L&D Trend Spotlight: SweetRush’s Learner-Centered Design Model

At SweetRush, we love learning and sharing knowledge. 

Every year, we embark on a journey to bring you the top trends in learning and development (L&D) with our Learner Experience Trends Report. To create the report, we surveyed hundreds of L&D professionals, experts, and leaders to get a pulse on their insights, challenges, predictions, and lessons learned. Then, we analyze and compile the data and findings into a report with real-life examples and tips. And finally, we share it with you, giving you free and invaluable tools to help you in your role and at your organization

This year’s Trend Report is L&D and Learner Experience: How L&D is elevating human potential in a time of rapid change, and inside we present the first iteration of our SweetRush Learner-Centered Design (LCD) Model, which we call the “body model.” 

How Did We Create the SweetRush Learner-Centered Design Model?

LCD represents a coalescence of 20 years of SweetRush’s work with our clients creating learning experiences that set new standards for engagement. It’s a holistic view of learners that is grounded in empathy and a heightened awareness of human needs.

At the foundation of LCD is empathy for learners. At SweetRush, we continually seek to deepen our understanding of and connection to learners through empathy interviews and conversations, learner analytics, and data provided by our clients.

Our design recommendations stem from our understanding of what learners think and feel, what they do, what interests them, where they want to go, obstacles in their way, their learning preferences, and more.

This model is continuing to evolve, and our next iteration will include key attributes of LCD, techniques for achieving LCD, and ways to measure.

Learner-Centered Design Is Human-Centered Design

Using the human body as a model, we can explain the key principles of our LCD approach:

  1. The Brain 🧠 In this model, the brain represents the myriad ways learners take in information and process it through the lens of previous experiences, conditioning, and beliefs. With LCD, we seek to understand learners’ unique perspectives and create experiences that engage their senses and support mental model shifts. LCD uses best practices in user experience, aesthetic design, and user engagement to heighten their focus, engage their emotions, and give them control.
  2. The Mouth 👄 People gain proficiency by interacting with others (family, friends, teachers, coaches, supervisors, colleagues). Most jobs entail interaction with other people. LCD provides social learning opportunitieshelp, direction, feedback, conversation, and, generally, social engagement.
  3. The Heart 🫀 People learn only when they want to learn, and they want to learn when it can help themselves, their families and friends, peers and teams, customers, and/or the world. LCD motivates learners via a strong WIIFM and by connecting learning to challenges learners face and aspirations they have for the future.
  4. The Hands 🤚🏼 People naturally learn by doing. LCD provides opportunities to practice authentic tasks with feedback and reflection to achieve the desired outcome: skill development, behavior change, or both.
  5. The Feet 👣 People yearn for new challenges, reduction of suffering, better engagement with the world, greater fulfillment—and they vote with their feet when it’s time to move on. LCD provides guidance and support, so all learners can make progress on their goals, gain experience, advance in their careers, improve their way of doing and being, and get to better places.
  6. The Core 🎨🧪 LCD is an art and science, embracing the entire person and acknowledging the complexity of the whole. LCD centers on strong adult learning and user engagement principles, then expands to a holistic approach that leads to creative, innovative methods that bring rich and novel experiences to our learners.

The Levels of Learner-Centered Design: The Maturity Model

We asked our survey participants where they would rank themselves on the LCD model—Levels 1 through 4, as shown in the graphic below. 

In Level 1, learning is one size fits all

In Level 2, learners have some choice

In Level 3, learning is an ongoing part of an employee’s experience

And finally, in Level 4, learning is continuous, flexible, and adaptable

Most respondents (35.8%) ranked themselves at Level 1, more than a quarter ranked themselves at Level 2 (26%), whereas 17.7% were at Level 3, and 20.4% were at Level 4 (the highest level).


As Clare DygertSweetRush Director of Learning Experience and Instructional Design—tells us, if you want effective skills-based learning, lean into the principles of Learner-Centered Design. Let your learners help guide you to the best experience for them. Center on the learner to effectively address your business needs and enhance the employee experience

Read on to find out more about Learner-Centered Design, trends, challenges, and more, according to hundreds of Learning and Development professionals, experts, and leaders, across industries.


2020 in Hindsight: Four Current Instructional Design Trends That Are Here to Stay

Last year, our in-house learning prophets, collectively known as SweetRushstradamus, made a few predictions about instructional design future trends they foresaw for 2020. And…well, let’s just say our crystal ball didn’t show the whole picture.  

As the saying goes, hindsight is always 20/20—and we’re so glad 2020 is behind us! But we also want to celebrate the agility and resilience the L&D community has shown in responding to some very sudden changes. 

A few of those changes will stick around for the foreseeable future: we’ll need to continue transforming our live training to virtual, creating virtual learning programs that overcome screen fatigue, and finding ways to learn and work together while we can’t actually be together. 

We at SweetRush have been working virtually for over a decade, so we wanted to share some of the virtual learning design and cultural transformation magic that’s helped us—and our partners—thrive. Here are four of our finest resources to help you tackle the current trends in instructional design.

Current Instructional Design Trends: 2020 and Beyond

Practical Alchemy: Live → Virtual Training Transformation 

Have some live instructor-led training (ILT) that you need to spin into virtual (almost) overnight Current Trends in Instructional Design? Rise to the challenge with our guide to the practical alchemy of converting ILT to VILT

Download: Best Practices for Quickly Converting In-Person Training to Effective Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning Spelled Out 

Looking for ways to invigorate your learners now that your virtual training transformation is complete? Get inspired with five stories of powerful, purposeful eLearning experiences that won’t go up in smoke. 

Download: Virtual Training Case Studies to Spark Inspiration

Are Your Learners Ready for the Quantum Treatment? 

Teleportation used to be the stuff of science fiction, but current virtual reality technology brings the future closer than ever. Learn how and when to beam up your learning program with our essential VR guide

Download: Virtual Reality for Our New Reality: Your Guide to VR Training Programs

Telepathy for the Telecommuting Leader 

Leading a team that’s moved from the office to the ether has challenged plenty of people managers. This Q&A with our masters of employee mind reading—okay, cofounders and culture experts—will help you create a thriving team from afar. 

Read More: Leading Remote Teams Webinar: Answer to Your Questions


What future instructional design trends can we look forward to in 2021? We’re still sorting our tea leaves, but join our mailing list and you’ll be the first to know what’s in store!

2019 Learning Trends: Transforming Your L&D Pain Points into Solutions

What do the 2019 learning trends have in store for L&D professionals? Exciting opportunities, hard challenges, and doable solutions!

A few months ago, I wrote a story about my first job, and the very bad learning program we had. For over a year, I worked at a call center, taking calls for a sports betting company.

During that year, the one time I was taught something was when I received a very brief course on horse bets. A horse-racing expert named Nick  explained everything I needed to know about the “sport of kings”; he also told me I had potential to work in the horse betting department.

That course was a one-time deal. I never received further training, and I scarcely took horse bets. Clearly, I did not get an opportunity in the horse department.

As I joined the Learning and Development industry, I realized that these sorts of experiences were common in many companies. Learning used to be considered a singular event; learning and development content was a random collection of courses and workshops.

Things, however, have changed for the better. Learning, we know now, is a continuous journey. Think of it as a complex, integrated ecosystem that is ever-evolving. Every moment we take in information—from media, from our peers, from content an organization controls and content it does not—is a step in the learning journey.

A recent in-depth article by Danielle Hart, Director of Marketing at SweetRush, focuses on that argument: the ongoing evolution of the learning ecosystem. In 2019 Instructional Design Trends and Learning Trends: The Ecosystem Evolves, Hart explores the challenges that Learning and Development professionals face—and the solutions that will help them overcome these pain points.

“As we think about 2019 instructional design trends and learning trends, though this might be a radical concept, our first thought is not about solutions. Instead, we’re thinking about the sticking points. The challenges. Those areas that are holding the ecosystem back from evolving,” Hart writes.

2019 Instructional Design Trends & Learning Trends

She adds: “As those solutions come into the mainstream and are integrated within the whole, we’ll see L&D shedding its skin, and emerging with vibrant colors that will attract talented professionals who will help continue this evolution!”

Like Hart, I feel optimistic and excited about what’s to come for L&D during this year rolling out in front of us. It pleases me to know that, despite my poor learning experience during my first job so many years ago, there’s a whole army of awesome L&D professionals who will integrate these solutions into their tool kits, and persevere in their missions to improve the lives of others through learning.

As Hart writes, “we face tough challenges, but with the talent, intellect, and creativity in this field, we can overcome the toughest of them together.”

Make sure to check out 2019 Instructional Design Trends and Learning Trends: The Ecosystem Evolves.

Download CTA Instructional Design Trends 2020 Report



Learning Rush Alert: How Emerging Tech Trends Transform L&D

Though they might sound futuristic, emerging tech trends such as virtual and augmented reality are already leaving a mark on the way we design learning and training programs.

I’m a huge nerd: I love video games, sci-fi stories, and technology. What engages me most about these things is the feeling that, when done right, they’re giving us glimpses into what our society will look like in the future.

Imagine strapping on an Oculus virtual reality (VR) headset to play a video game and to let your mind wonder: what else could we do with that technology?

The truth is that you don’t need to wonder for long, as VR is already being used as a tool to create engaging and immersive learning and training programs across the world. The same can be said about augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technology trends. Instructional Designers are integrating them to revolutionize how adults learn in the workplace.

Here at SweetRush, we strongly believe in the power of these technologies to create learning solutions that capture the attention and imagination of learners. That’s why we launched SPARK, our emerging tech division, in 2018, and we’ve been spreading the word about the power of technology to make learning better and easier for everyone.

Check out these three articles and gain insights from our instructional technology experts at SPARK!

5 Emerging Technology Trends Influencing Learning and Development

As the L&D field adapts to compete for learners’ attention, let’s take a look at some of the emerging technology trends that could most impact learning and training. Read more.

4 Benefits of Incorporating Emerging Tech in Learning and Development

How can these tools benefit learners and help organizations build better learning experiences? Read more.

4 Things to Consider Before Implementing Emerging Tech in Your Business

Before implementing courses driven by emerging technology, you must determine whether a tech-assisted learning program is a right fit for your learners. Read more.


Emerging technologies are on the rise, and they will continue to evolve constantly in the near future—as their influence on the L&D field continues to grow. Who knows what Instructional Designers will be able to develop over the next few years?

In the meantime there’s plenty to be excited about. For a quick glimpse into the basics of emerging technology, look at this handy infographic, and stay tuned for more from SweetRush’s SPARK team.

emerging tech trends

Are you interested in more Learning Rush articles? Check out:

Infographic: Emerging Technology Trends Influencing the L&D Field

Check out our infographic highlighting the emerging technology trends that are having an impact in the field of Learning and Development!

The rise of emerging technology trends influencing L&D represents a vital opportunity for Instructional Designers (IDs).

Now more than ever before, learners are bombarded with distractions and have easy access to infinite amounts of information. With these emerging technology trends, L&D professionals can offer higher levels of engagement and fully immersive learning, which builds excitement and keep the learner’s attention, and also offer better, more useful training at the point of need.

“Traditionally, you would have instructor-led training (ILT) or virtual instructor-led training (vILT) and the standard desktop eLearning experience,” says Justin Mitchell, a Creative Engineer here at SweetRush. “Now, we’re shifting toward a new medium. We have the possibility to combine learning solutions and create something that leverages the shifting landscape of Learning and Development.”

So what are these emerging technology trends and what do they offer both IDs and learners? Check out the article “Emerging Technology Trends Influencing the L&D Field” by Chief Creative Officer John-Carlos Lozano for an in-depth analysis of the subject.

But first, take a look at the following infographic for the highlights of the article.


emerging technology trends influencing L&D

These are exciting days for the Learning and Development field. The better we understand the emerging technology trends popping up around us, the better learning and training experiences we’ll be able to develop.

Use this infographic as an introduction to these trends and as a glimpse at what the future could hold for learners. As is usually the case in the digital age, things could change at any moment, and technology that seems futuristic today could become available to mainstream audiences tomorrow.

To better understand how these trends are evolving and impacting our field right now and for the foreseeable future, check out the article “Emerging Technology Trends Influencing the L&D Field” by John-Carlos Lozano.

The future’s bright for learners!

Interested in how SweetRush can help you with emerging technologies? Visit our SPARK page and learn more about our services.


Infographic: 2018 Instructional Design and Learning Trends

Pack your bags! Explore instructional design and learning trends for 2018 in this infographic.

They say traveling is the most basic form of learning, but learning can be a journey as well. Here at SweetRush, we don’t see learning as a one-time event, but as a continuous process that happens over time, through different means.

As John Cleave, PhD, one of our eLearning Technologists, says, “Learning as a journey goes beyond pushing out a linear sequence of modules. It means creating a tapestry of experiences […] to understand where people are and where they would like to go.”

In this infographic, you’ll learn about the instructional design and learning trends that you’ll be hearing about during 2018—be sure to pack them all in your bags! The journey is about to start, so be sure to check out the full article, 2018 Instructional Design Trends And Learning Trends: The Journey Of Learning for a much more in-depth look at the trends for the year. (Look ahead at 2019 instructional design trends, or back at 2017 instructional design trends.)

Now, buckle up and take a trip with us.

2018 Learning Trends by SweetRush


Our goal with this infographic is to highlight specific instructional design and learning trends for which we’ll likely see growing demand or interest this year. But none of these trends exist in a vacuum, and the most successful organizations will consider how to best use them in an integrated, holistic way.

Rather than viewing learning as a one-time event, consider that learning is a process that happens over time, in formal, informal and self-directed ways. This approach invites us to “weave a tapestry” of learning experiences, which might include e-learning, classroom training, feedback, and coaching, informed by data analytics and measurement.

We predict that Chief Learning Officers around the globe will begin to embrace that strategic vision.

Your journey isn’t over yet! Be sure to check out the full article 2018 Instructional Design Trends and Learning Trends: The Journey Of Learning.



Infographic: 2017 Instructional Design Trends

Six are the colors of the rainbow and six are the instructional design trends we highlight in our infographic below, based on SweetRush thought leaders’ predictions for 2017!

These are the trends we see making an impact on corporate training and instructional design this year, driven by the learner and client demand, as well as outside trends in consumer marketing, advertising, gaming, and more.

This infographic is just the tip of the iceberg. Be sure to check out the complete article “2017 Instructional Design Trends Compass: Your Accu-Learningcast”, which provides more detail on each trend and resources for you to continue learning and move toward applying these trends in your craft.

The forecast for 2017 is bright and we’re excited to help our clients bring these concepts to life!?


Instructional Design Trends 2017 Infographic

Now that you’ve got the highlights, check out the full article: “2017 Instructional Design Trends Compass: Your Accu-Learningcast.” Enjoy!