Black Lives Matter.

This year we have been made increasingly aware of how interconnected we all are, and how important it is to have understanding and empathy for one another and to recognize the inequities in our society. 

We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, friends, parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, and children.

We are listening, dialoguing and researching ways in which we are connected to systemic racism and injustices. Our SweetRush tribe is one that revels in diversity, yet we know that we are connected to and, in some ways, a part of inequities. Within every profession and firm, there are opportunities to dismantle barriers and SweetRush is committed to going beyond the diversity we already embrace.

This year, Juneteenth took on a special significance for more of us than ever. Moving forward, we will be making Juneteenth Day or Freedom Day a holiday for our entire global SweetRush team, as we have done Martin Luther King Jr. Day since we opened our doors 20 years ago. 

Black Lives Matter. We want to have that written into our cultural DNA, and committing to honor this day is an immediate way to begin. 

We know that the road ahead and the many changes that need to be made in our worldnot just in connection to racial justice, but in economic and environmental justicewill not be easy. We will make mistakes, stumble, and sometimes fall. We will sometimes say the wrong things or act out of ignorance or privilege. We believe that even though we will not get it perfect, it’s time to act together for real and lasting change.

Black Lives Matter SweetRush Inc.