5 Blogs to Inspire Your Next Game-Based Learning Solution

Who says games are just for kids? Get inspired by these five blog posts and make your next game-based learning solution engaging, creative, and fun!

Imagine the scenario: You have to create a new learning solution for your employees and you want not only an engaging but an interesting and effective one so that no one will want to stop learning. Why not create a game?

We take games very seriously. So seriously, that some of our solutions have been recognized by the industry.

I bet you want to know what inspires our experts!

These five blogs will give you that inspirational spark or idea to make your next game-based learning solution engaging and effective. Bookmark your favorite—or should I say, game on? 😉

Let’s Learn from Monopoly

Monopoly, of course, is a very popular board game, and nearly all of us have at least one edition in our homes. In this blog post, learn what characteristics make McDonald’s version of Monopoly so effective and how you can use these features to take your game-based learning solution to the next level.
Read: 4 Lessons McDonald’s MONOPOLY Teaches about Learning Games

Step by Step: Create a Game with Articulate

Kids love challenges, and so do adults. This blog post features a fun eLearning solution using one of the top authoring tools in our industry: Articulate Storyline. As you will see, this game-based learning solution has great potential for both adults and kids.
Read: Digital Easter Egg Hunt in the E-Learning Household

Popular Games Are Always an Inspiration

The best way to learn how to make a learning game is by playing them and being aware of what elements popular games have that engage you. Find out what characteristics you can use in your next learning solution by leveraging those from popular games and game-based learning.
Read: Learning by Playing Games in Real Life

Design Strategies from Candy Crush

Candy Crush looks like a simple game, but it keeps players engaged. There are people who have been playing for years—through the 500-plus levels in the map—and will probably continue playing every day! If you are interested in creating a game-based learning solution, why not look at this game from a design perspective and gather some ideas?
Read: 4 Effective Gamification Strategies for Corporate Training

Inspiration from a SweetRush Internal Game

We’re not just a company that creates gamification solutions for our clients, we actually “walk the talk.” Within our asset management system, Cocoa, we created a gamification experience for employee engagement. For a completely virtual company like ours, this is a unique, educational, competitive, and engaging solution.
Read: How a Gamification Developer Games Its Employees

Want to learn more about game-based learning solutions? Check out our Games & Simulations page.

And keep an eye on our blogs: this one is the first in a new gamification series! Next I will show you the best five blog posts about gamification examples and techniques. 🙂